School exclusion for health reasons
Kids with certain infectious diseases must stay away from school or childcare. Find out how exclusions work and when your child can return to school.
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School exclusion periods
If your child has an infectious illness, you may need to keep them home to stop it spreading at daycare or school. Learn about school exclusion periods here.
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Colds and flu
Find out more about how to treat the cold or flu, how to avoid catching the cold or the flu and special cases in which to take extra care.
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Enterovirus in children
Enteroviruses cause a range of illnesses which are usually mild. You can help prevent the spread of enterovirus infection by practising good hygiene.
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Roseola infantum
Roseola infantum is a contagious viral infection. Symptoms include high fever and rash. Read more about roseola and when to seek urgent medical help.
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Coughs and colds in children
Most coughs and colds in children are caused by viruses. Find out how to treat your child and prevent them from developing and spreading a cold.
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Whooping cough
Whooping cough is a contagious bacterial infection and is most serious in babies. Here's how to spot the symptoms and protect infants.
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